Monday, April 9, 2007

Hassle Free Car Loans

As internet use continues to rise, more and more online auto financing website's are becoming available. And there’s a lot of appeal – gain approval faster, lower your interest rates, avoid credit reviews! It’s the perfect place for those with bad credit or no credit, a place where your loan won’t be turned away. Is it for real? Where is the catch?

As internet use continues to rise, more and more online auto financing website's are becoming available. And there’s a lot of appeal – gain approval faster, lower your interest rates, avoid credit reviews! It’s the perfect place for those with bad credit or no credit, a place where your loan won’t be turned away. Is it for real? Where is the catch? The answer is, through and their preferred dealers and lenders, you will have a safe, hassle free way to shop for a new or used car with the lowest interest rates possible .

As with everything on the internet, some website's are legitimate and some are not. Some will work for your situation and some won’t. Website's for online auto financing are structured in a variety of ways. Often the website's offering fast and easy online financing are not run by the lenders themselves. Rather they act as a database to collect information from interested applicants and then send that information to different lenders. While they may claim to have the lowest rates and fastest service, these website's don’t actually have the power to guarantee their promises because the lenders make the final decisions about any loans.

Sometimes online auto financing website's are brokers. Each time they make a match between an applicant and a loaner, they make money from the sale. Although a broker’s fee is usually paid by the lender, you may find yourself paying a higher interest rate because you are one step removed from the source. Remember that as a general rule, you pay less the closer you can get to the lender. One appeal to owners of auto financing website's is the amount of personal information gathered from applicants that can be used for further marketing efforts. The downside of this for you, the customer is not only unwanted advertising but also the chance for fraud or identity theft.

When applying for an auto loan online, you have to give away some of your most personal information including full name, social security number, address and income. Not every website will try to cheat you, but you must exercise extreme caution by verifying the legitimacy of any website before sending out your information.

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